Two Markers

Show two markers in one overlay: Replace streamerId and otherStreamerId with the two Twitch ids.

3D Streets

Follow the streamer with 3D plain buildings. Replace pullKey with your RealtimeIRL pull key.


See radar data on the overlay, you may need to adjust zoom to see what you want using the &zoom=5 parameter. Replace pullKey with your RealtimeIRL pull key. Ranview overlay example


Made to follow Terry Barentsen's bike angel challenge. This is probably not very useful for others. Citibike overlay example

StreamElements Overlays

StreamElements iFrame seems to block parts of the overlays hosted by RealtimeIRL, however, you can achieve the same by directly having the code there, you can see some examples in this link Note: You will need to provide your Realtime pull key and other keys depending on the overlay.